Friday, January 28, 2011

S&U Excerpt - The McDonald’s Miracle

Excerpt's taken from:
Chapter Six, Giant Killers - The McDonald’s Miracle

Years ago my brother Joel was living in South Africa as a youth pastor. He was headed back to his apartment one day after having been up early and serving a mission team late into the night. Exhausted and hungry, he drove past a McDonalds. The idea of a hamburger, fries, and a Coke seemed the perfect way to unwind at the end of this day. As he walked in, a few homeless street kids stood around the entrance. This wasn’t unusual, but as he started to order his Biggie-Size Mac Meal, something else was; he heard God whisper: “Buy the boys some hamburgers.”

Joel was tired and only had enough rand (South African currency) for his meal. He was slightly annoyed, thinking, “I’ve worked all day and I don’t even have enough money to get myself everything I want, let alone feed the kids outside the door.” But because Joel was learning how to live violently believing, he ran headlong into what he believed God was asking him to do.

He bought as many burgers as he could afford, five total. But as he walked out of the restaurant, he saw there were seven kids. He didn’t have enough, plus the chances of him getting one were slim. But once you start running toward a giant, it’s foolish to turn back. So, he began passing out burgers.

Now this really gets good.

As Joel passed out burgers, more kids from across the street saw what he was doing and began to make their way toward him. Still, he just kept obeying. And somewhere between God’s whisper and way too many mouths to feed, it dawned on him that he should have run out of burgers long ago. But he didn’t.

Suddenly Joel wasn’t tired anymore.

Suddenly Joel was having fun.

When he handed the last boy a burger, he looked in the bag. Yeah, you guessed it—one left over, just for Joel...

...Our promises are not guaranteed. They are more like a glimpse of what we can become if we believe, surrender, and live with wild abandon...

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