Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bono and The Kingdom of God

"Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven" Preach it Bono.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Wow and the How

For the past two months my brother Joel and I have been furiously working on a project called “The Open Table.” It’s part two of an awesome discipleship tool that is the brainchild of Donald Miller and is being distributed by Thomas Nelson. Months ago, Joel and I started dreaming up what we wanted to really focus on and once Don approved we got to work.

Since then Joel and Nick (Switchvert) have been working on the film component and nearly wrapped that up. Meanwhile, I am responsible for the guidebook.

Since this project was green lighted, Joel and I have been wrestling with “The Wow and the How.” We want to write and display truths that both help nurture and challenge a life with Jesus. And though knowing how is great we don’t want to ever lose the fact that the “how” would not be necessary if there wasn’t a “wow.”

The life of a believer is always about the wow. This life is about encountering God. There are wonderful “hows” to learn along the way but they always start with a “wow.”

Anyway, that’s what I have been wrestling through as of late. If you think about it, pray for this project. That we would be able to release the “wow” while still blessing with the “how.”