Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Discovering His Presence

I lay in bed with Ethan last night. We listened to the storm blowing just outside his window. Ethan is my nine year old.

Ethan loves football. He thinks about

it at least half of the time. Lately our bedtime routine has involved a new home made game. I lay on the bed and he sits next to me. One of us will throw a football up to the ceiling and then we play receiver/defender and wrestle over the ball while Ethan gives the commentary, “Interception!” or “The ball is loose,” or “Clark has stripped the ball away. Touchdown! And the crowd goes wild!”

Normally bedtime becomes a frenzied father-son wrestling match. But last night we just lay motionless, mesmerized by the rain that was being blown against the house. Earlier we had stood on the front porch spellbound by the power of the storm. To us, it seemed a small miracle that the trees in our front yard weren’t ripped out of the ground and blown away.

“Ethan” I finally broke the silence. “Can you feel Gods presence right now?” I asked.

“I don’t know dad.” He said,

“What’s He saying to you right now?” I asked.

Ethan looked at me, “He loves me?” He asked, looking for conformation. I confirmed it with a hug. “He does! Do you believe it?”

Ethan smiled, “Yes.”

I continued, “His presence is right here, right now. Lets ask Him to reveal Himself.” I continued, “Father, come make your love known.” Immediately God filled the room. For the next ten minutes while I lay there and held Ethan, my body trembled with His presence. His love was so real. It was wholly unexplainable and absolutely glorious. And we laughed.

After a little while, Ethan began to ask questions, “Dad, how do you know God’s presence and if it’s Him speaking to you and not just your imagination?”

This is what I told him, “Buddy, when our Heavenly Father speaks to us, it is always about His love. He is always saying one thing, ‘I love you.’ And He is always asking one question, ‘Do you believe me?’ So if you are unsure whether it’s God, you simply have to determine if the thoughts and feelings you are having increase your love for Him, yourself and others. If they do, then that’s God speaking to you and you are in His presence.”

I have discovered that to encounter my heavenly Father, I must become convinced in my theology – God is Love. Its absolutely essential that at all times, regardless of my circumstances, or what others say about God, that I believe to the very core of my being that He is Love. You see, I have learned that believing Gods is Love is the precursor to an encounter. To the extent that I’m convinced He is Love, is to the extent that I can recognize when Love is in the room. And He is in the room, always!

When it comes to my kids, I am keen on them experiencing their own encounters with Love. I can be the best father in the world but if I don’t present them with opportunities to touch and experience the heart of God, I have missed my true calling as a parent. I am intent on my kids meeting and becoming familiar with Gods presence, His love, as I believe that it’s the key to living a full life, a life of faith, a life where every dream is available.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Collide Magazine - Surrendered & Untamed

"It was freezing, but not the kind of cold that Joel had experienced in his home in DC. It was the kind of cold that could kill you in minutes. It hit -35 degrees without the windshield. With the 55 miles an hour winds, Joel was told it was as cold as -50..."

To read the entire article CLICK HERE

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

S&U Promo - Pastor Resources Cover

Today, "Pastor Resources" magazine released with Mark Batterson and the S&U DVD on its cover. Baker is giving away the S&U DVD to the first 500 pastors who fill out the request form. You can go there now and check out the magazine online. Hint, we are on page 51.

In conjunction with the magazine release, we have set up a special page on the S&U website where you can go and watch chapter three of S&U "Awaken Your Soul at the Edge of the World" as well as download the corresponding chapter of the Participants Guide. To go to this page CLICK HERE

We also have made chapter one of my book, "Surrendered & Untamed, A Field Guide for the Vagabond Believer" available for download. CLICK HERE