Monday, November 1, 2010

To all those we love... to all those who love us, or like us...even a little - Senior Pastor Question & Answer

Karen and I are still praying about where we are called to give. While we have a confidence regarding how God sees us and what we are called too, we continue to investigate what this looks like practically. We have both looked at the possibility of planting a church - in several locations including where we now live - as well as candidate-ing.

We have looked at a few churches in areas that stir our hearts and that are searching for a pastor. That said, I recently filled out a questionnaire for a church. As I answered the questions, I gained more vision for what God is burning in my heart.

I have been teaching at our Church, The Branch, and have led worship when invited. I also am writing what I believe is the most important book I have written yet - maybe the most important book I will ever write. Its about our revelation of the Father and how it releases us into our identity as sons and daughters of a King - with access to all of our Father.

Well, much of that message that is burning in me, is evident in the answers I filled out in the church questionnaire. So, whether we are a fit for this church or not, I thought it would be a good blog post. I put some of the question and answers below.

Please keep praying for Karen and I as we seek and trust God in this new, exciting, and scary season. We love you guys and thank you for your continued support!

Please put in writing brief responses to the following questions and send with your application.

1. Please discuss your Christian testimony and faith journey.

I have attached my resume which includes my personal history in more depth. Briefly here, I grew up in a Christian home where Christ was the center. At age 5, I asked Jesus to be my savior my Lord and my best friend. I have been a follower of Christ since 1978.

2. Please outline your philosophy of church ministry and the role of preaching/teaching in your philosophy.

The church is the bride of Christ. We have one call and it is to establish Gods Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Every question mankind is asking is answered in a greater revelation of Father God, of His love. We (the church) through Jesus, have access to this “greater revelation”. To know our Fathers love and become love is the calling of the church. This one truth is at the center of everything I teach.

3. What do you feel has been your most significant success in your ministry?

My family.

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My core value is Gods presence. I believe that as we encounter Him, we are transformed into his likeness. In everything I do, that is my one driving reality - we must know more of Gods presence. I believe that is a strength...

I am not a details guy. That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the details, but I am a visionary and tend to see things from 30,000 ft. I work great with, and need these details people. And I can prove it with 15 years of marriage to a very beautiful details person.

5. Please describe a situation in the past where you have handled conflict and how you approached the issue.

How about this, I’ll give you my approach, if your heart leaps; I imagine we will talk more. I am committed to leading a free people. It’s about family. It’s about honor. As a leader, I am committed to releasing men and women into their identities as sons and daughters of the King of Kings. I want to raise up the kind of sons and daughters that all creation is eagerly awaiting. This means that my number one responsibility is to help people see the Father and then see themselves from His perspective. Sometimes this is uncomfortable and there is conflict.

I don’t mind conflict, that’s what happens where there is true relationship, and true freedom. Iron can’t sharpen iron if it never touches. With that understanding, Gal 6:1 says that we should be motivated in love and a spirit of gentleness.

Just so, I also have, and nurture, relationships with those who love me and will challenge me. And that’s just it, love must be the core value in the midst of conflict. Gods primary approach for repentance (changing the way you think) is kindness – a wonderful expression of love.

6. Are you more comfortable with an Arminian or a Reformed theological framework? Discuss why.

To be honest, I had to look these terms up - it’s been a long time since I finished Bible College. I would lean toward reformed. That said, God is infinitely wiser than me – and I’m good with that.

Here’s one thing I know, the bible says to make disciples of all nations, not some. So while I may not be absolutely sure regarding the predestined question (I'll leave that to my always good Father) I have my mandate - all.

7. Describe the governance role of a church, particularly as it relates to the role of Biblical Eldership and the function of the Pastor-Teacher Elder.

Corinthians 12:28 - And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.

We live in a fatherless nation. The church is also experiencing fatherless-ness. I believe there is an apostolic model where the leader has one primary responsibility. To focus the churches eyes on the Father. Why, because our identity is determined by our Father.

When we know our heavenly Father, we know our identity, we know we are loved, we know we are protected, we know His provision, we know freedom - freedom to dream, risk and grow.

Every gift and ministry, prophetic, pastoral, educational, evangelistic - all of these gifts and ministries have grace and power when they are grounded in an always greater revelation of the Father. Its always about His presence first - that is what I believe is the biblical foundation for church governance and function.

9. Discuss your views of the Biblical purpose and role of the church and particularly speak to the role of morning worship service (i.e. Should the services exist for the edification of believers or focus more on evangelizing of the lost?)

The primary objective of the church and particularly the morning worship service is neither for edification of believers or for evangelizing the lost. The primary object of the church and the morning service is to glorify the Father and encounter His love. Edification and evangelism are by-products of encounters with Gods presence.

10. What is your understanding of the Global Outreach (Missions) mandate of Matthew 28 and the role of the local church in that mandate?

Jesus came for two reasons,:

First to buy back our identities. To remove the veil between us and our Father. The veil into the Holy of Holies (the representation of Gods presence) was literally torn in two.

Second, to reveal what we have access to when we know who we are as sons and daughters. Jesus came and lived 33 years on the earth to reveal what it looks like when a son can see his Father. He came to show us what we have access to now that the veil is removed - all that is God.

Jesus said he only did what he saw his Father doing. Jesus, love in human form, met every need that was presented to him. He healed the sick, lame, def, mute, and blind. He fed thousands, walked on water, calmed storms, and raised the dead. Everywhere he went, he set people free. John told us that if every story of Jesus life was written down, the world couldn’t contain the books.

This same Jesus told us that he would send His Holy Spirit and that because of the cross and resurrection, we would have the same access to His Father that he had. In fact he went even farther, he said that we could experience “a greater works than these (the works he was doing) lifestyle.”

Jesus also gave us our mission; he said pray “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” Then in Matthew he puts legs on the message: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

“All authority” is the key. Because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead now lives in His believers. Jesus released that authority on His believers that we would look to heaven and release on earth what we see there. This is the calling and role of the church. It is our mandate to come into a greater revelation of the Father that we would know that everything our Father has is ours! And that we would then like Jesus supernaturally meet every need the world has. I am convinced that every question mankind has is answered in a greater revelation of our Fathers love.

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