Monday, June 6, 2011

A Message From My Father

My heavenly Father is speaking right now, can you hear Him? My Dad says...

“I love you. I love you when you are high and when you’re low. Do you believe me?

I love you when you mess up; I love you when you come running back. I love you when you reject my grace; I love you when you embrace my goodness. I always love you. Do you believe me?

I love, you, when you doubt, when you are disillusioned, when you hate me, when you are angry, when you are confused, when you are disappointed, when you speak poorly about me. When you don't believe me.

I loved you yesterday; I love you today, tomorrow and for all eternity. I find you to be amazing, I find you to be stunning, I am mesmerized by you. I love you. Do you believe me?"


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Thanks for this Jason. I believe it. I preach it. But sometimes I need reassured.

Side: watched S & U DVD last night. loved it!

Jason Clark said...

Amen, me too! I was reassured today, "made sure" in His always-good love.

So glad you got the S&U DVD! Its quite a trip eh? Sure wish I coulda gone. Next time.

Blessing bro!

Bill (cycleguy) said...

Will there be a next time? :) just out of curiosity if you get this: who shot the video from a distance? Was there a crew along with those two?

Jason Clark said...

My brother is the film maker. He has been down twice. The first to film S&U and a documentary on the trek. I was invited the second time but couldn't leave my fam or business for the 7 weeks he would be there. Plus it was pretty costly.

But, who knows, if he goes again (he works with a lot of explorers) then maybe I will be able to join him.

My bro, Joel Clark, is pretty crazy and has been and done some amazing things. He has a book coming out next Aug titled "Awake". You will def want to read it.

Jason Clark said...

Oh, to answer the question about filming go to

I wrote an article about his trip for that online mag.

Nina Ruth Bruno said...

This was AWESOME! Thank you! I needed to be reminded of this!