Saturday, August 7, 2010

To all those we love… to all those who love us… or even like us a little…

To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season…

One of the things I have been faithfully doing for the last five years is selling doors. I’ve been good at it. I’ve been steadfast. On the last day of August, I will step away from doors. It will be hard, it will be good.

Three years ago God told me he could see me... pastoring - well, that's the best word I can come up without writing a book... Anyway, I thought it was odd, I couldn’t see it. I was astonished but in a good way. You know, the way you get when someone tells you look like a sexy movie star. If God see’s you a certain way and you and God are best friends, it doesn’t take long until you start getting glimpses of yourself the way He sees you.

In September, Karen and I are trusting. We have lots of stories from the “there” to the “here” that confirm how God sees us and that now is the time. We have peace and it’s the kind that’s been tested. This is a step into a new season; God likened it to the crossing of the Jordan.

This is a message to those we love and who love us. We are not sure if we are called to plant, candidate, or serve in some other capacity. We don’t even have a “where”.

We do however have a “with who. “ I am licensed with “The River.” It is an extension of Bethel Church in Redding California of which Bill Johnson is the Pastor. Karen and I are headed to a pastor’s conference in Sept and believe it an awesome first step.

So if you think of us fondly, or even fleetingly, pray with us as we learn to live in this new season!

Love you guys!


Renee' said...

AWESOME! I'd rather know "with Who" than anything else any day! :-)

Jason Clark said...

Yes! We are very excited about the with who!