Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I have started dreaming...again

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28


When we were young we had visions. We treated them like dreams but most of the time they were visions… God allowed us to live in the ache, be compelled by the longing, chase them down, and fall short… to cast greater vision, to struggle, to taste love, intimacy, and also failure…

And we grew.

And if we chose to not be offended by our failures, to not be ashamed by our short fall, if we chose surrender and intimacy, we began to be transformed by His love. Our hearts began to beat in sync with His, our words began to release heaven and our lives began to yield love - until our vision began to reveal His.

And that’s when our closest and dearest friend, Jesus, comes to us and say’s “dream again”

There is such authority in the dream of the “old” man or woman who has already “dreamed” and failed. Who has risked it all and come up short and been transformed into the likeness of Christ through the process.

“Old man” is not defined by age, but experience; its a heart condition. Its those men and women who have gone “all in” for God and missed it; the “Peters” who used a sword to advance a kingdom that could only be advanced through Jesus becoming the sheath.

Most of us have had a Peter experience. We've carried and acted on a vision or "dream" that ended in failure, in death.

But now, on the other side, when the "visionary" is battered and lonely and the scars are not quite healed, our closest and dearest friend, Jesus, is coming to us and saying, “I want you to dream again”...

Young men have visions so they can learn how to dream. Old men dream and the power of that dreaming releases heaven into the atmosphere.

A true dream, one that is birthed in the heart of an “Old Man”, carries with it authority and power. The person who has experienced the death of a vision, who has laid the dream on the cross, has access to the power of the resurrection. When he dreams again, he dreams the dreams of heaven. A dream that is birthed in heaven has power to transform earth, it can change a city, a nation, it has eternal significance.

Jesus said "greater works" and told us that his heart in us was dreaming beyond "what we could ask or imagine." Jesus life on earth, the high water mark that no one has yet attained, is meant to be surpassed!

I believe one way it is surpassed is when “old men” are willing to dream in the area of past failure. This is the place where the dreams carry the power of the resurrection.

Start dreaming again, we need you!

1 comment:

Lloyd Clark said...

That is strong!
Thanks for writing it!